
You know that sharp pain, that happens after an ankle sprain? An ankle sprain is a sudden movement, which leads to a strain or tear of ligaments in a joint. This type of sprain is the most common injury in the universe of musculoskeletal pathology.

The ankle is the joint between the foot and the leg and is made up of 3 bones: tibia, fibula, and talus. Patients tend to disregard these injuries, which can cause local symptoms and even permanent sequelae.

Ankle sprain is a common cause in young adults (ages 15 to 35) and athletes. According to physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka, ankle sprain is one of the most frequent diseases in orthopedic emergencies. It occurs most frequently in soccer, basketball, volleyball and athletes, accounting for about 10% to 15% of all sports injuries.

In an ankle sprain, the anatomical structures of the joint are usually affected, such as muscles, tendons and, in more severe cases, bones and cartilage, which can progress to ligament complications.

In a normal state, the ligaments, which are elastic structures, stretch to their limit, then return to their initial position. Ligaments have a specific range of motion that allow joint stability.

Ligaments are made up of whitish fibrous connective tissue (contains collagen) and have the function of joining two or more bones, protecting, and stabilizing the body’s joints and acting as shock absorbers.

In this text we will present everything you need to know about an ankle sprain, the main causes, its symptoms and the most appropriate form of treatment with promising results. Keep reading!

Classification of Ligament Injuries

Depending on how affected the ligament is and the degree of damage, an ankle sprain can range from mild to severe. Pain and swelling are common; however, it is possible to walk with little pain. In a more severe sprain, tenderness and bruising around the ankle may occur, causing difficulty in walking.

Grade I (mild): ligament strain occurs. Generally, the patient should feel improvement after three days, with asymptomatic or little tissue pain.

Grade II (moderate): partial tear with mild laxity and moderate pain, instability, swelling, and tenderness.

Grade III (severe): complete rupture, severe pain, with local swelling, significant laxity and, most of the time, the joint is unstable.

How an Ankle Injury Occurs

In ankle injuries, there is an accidental inversion of the foot with plantar flexion, especially when stepping on an irregular step or surface, using unstable shoes, such as high heels or even falling from one’s own height.

This anomalous movement causes an injury that starts in the anterior talofibular ligament, and can progress to an injury to the calcaneofibular ligament, with the increase in the energy of the trauma.

Signs and Symptoms of Ankle Sprain

In ankle sprain, pain occurs in the foot, from mild to very severe.

Usually, the ankle immediately begins to swell, and ecchymosis and joint effusion may develop in the area of ​​swelling. The pain increases with movement and is tender to the touch.

The more severe the injury, the more visible the signs.

What are the main causes of Ankle Sprain?

There are many causes, and some factors may involve the appearance of the lesion, such as:

  • sudden movements with the feet;
  • Wearing inappropriate footwear, such as very high heels;
  • Carrying out physical activity without preparation;
  • loose ligaments;
  • Walking on uneven ground;
  • Weak muscles;
  • Nerve injuries;
  • Previous injuries.


The orthopedic professional usually performs the medical diagnosis of ankle sprain, as it is the most suitable to deliver the result and carry out a reliable analysis of the injury, through the patient’s clinical history, complementary exams that help in the exact and precise diagnosis of the injury.

Some of them are:

  • X-ray: allows the orthopaedic doctor in Delhi to obtain images with details of the region where the injury occurred, helping the specialist to exclude the possibility of a fracture in any bone of the foot or located in the ankle itself, thus allowing an assertive and complete diagnosis;
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging: the specialist requests it when there is a more serious injury, which involves fractures in the articular bone;
  • Ultrasonography: allows observation of the ankle ligament while moving it, making it possible to visualize details of the joint injury;
  • Tomography: useful for a better assessment of the fracture pattern.

Types of Treatment for Ankle Sprains

Physiotherapy in Dwarka is the most effective method of treatment for sprains, especially when it comes to proprioceptive re-education, as it will prevent instability and new fractures.

Treatment can be either conservative or surgical. The choice depends on the severity of the injury. Conservative treatment will depend on the type and severity of the trauma.

The conservative protocol follows:

  • Rest: Do not support with the fractured limb;
  • Ice: Place on the injury site for 15 minutes every 2 hours for the first few days;
  • Compression: Bandages or elastic stockings help control edema;
  • Elevation: Keep the affected limb at heart level;
  • Immobilization: Immobilizing boot or plastered splint always in the initial care;
  • Medications: To control swelling and relieve pain in the first few days of trauma, such as anti-inflammatories and analgesics.

In the minority of cases, the treatment is surgical. However, depending on the type of fracture, more than one surgical intervention, called ligament repair, may be required.

When surgery is performed in the chronic phase, with patients with a history of repeated sprains, it is usually performed by fixing the injured ankle ligament to the bones, using implants such as anchors, which can be metallic or made of bioabsorbable material.


It is noted that from the articles studied there are different types of treatment for ankle injuries , such as the use of splints, immobilization with functional orthosis, elastic bandage, and others. The intervention criterion after an ankle sprain can be chosen according to the time of the event.

It is likely that there is an understanding in the literature when selecting the best practices for the treatment of injuries in the region, an understanding that assesses that the faster the choice of treatment type, the faster the patient’s recovery, says the best physiotherapist in Dwarka.

Muscle stretching: What to do when you suffer from the classic ‘pull’

Muscle injuries are the most common type of injury in an athlete. In this article we want to focus on muscle elongation or muscle pull, the mildest muscle type injury, a priori.

Muscle strain is the famous “pull”. As Dr Sarwar, physiotherapist in Delhi, explains, it occurs when the muscle is stretched “beyond its possibilities”. It is usually considered the previous step to a muscle rupture and is considered a minor injury. “It is the most benign of muscle injuries,” says Dr Sarwar, physiotherapy doctor in Delhi.

What is muscle stretching

Elongation occurs as a result of eccentric muscle contraction at the two ends of the muscle. It normally occurs in polyarticular muscles, such as the quadriceps and hamstrings. The fundamental difference with the break is that in the elongation the fiber does not break, or a minimal break occurs. “The rupture produces a hematoma, which takes longer to reabsorb and always leaves a scar, larger or smaller”, explains the physiotherapist in Dwarka. In contrast, stretching does not leave a scar, so the muscle does not lose functionality.

“It always occurs as a function of muscular overloads and imbalances “, illustrates the doctor. There are very characteristic examples. For example, in a short race: the explosive contraction of the quadriceps can produce an excessive lengthening of the hamstring. In soccer players it can occur when hitting the ball with force, which produces a sudden stretching of the posterior thigh muscles.

The sport most affected by muscle strain or pull is precisely football. “It generally occurs in the hamstring,” explains the best physiotherapist in Dwarka, “followed by the rectus femoris, the adductors, and the twins.”

When does a pulled muscle occur?

The elongation has several characteristics:

  • It occurs as a consequence of physical activity. It does not appear at rest but is the consequence of an eccentric contraction that is a little stronger than usual.
  • It usually appears when the muscles have not been properly warmed up.
  • Sometimes it occurs when explosive work is required of a previously excessively fatigued muscle. It is more frequent in the first phase of the season, when few training sessions have been carried out, or at the end, when fatigue accumulates.
  • External factors may influence. The case of excessive heat, humidity, a change in food or hydration defects do not help.

Symptoms of muscle strain are mild. The pain is usually diffuse, so that it is difficult to locate the exact point. Unlike a muscle tear, which usually generates rapid functional impotence, elongation can allow practicing sports, although with less intensity. “You can tell that something has happened, and sometimes it is not distinguishable from an overload because it is not excessively painful,” Dr Sarwar abounds.

How to prevent muscle strains

Elongation is a type of injury that can be largely prevented, as long as some basic guidelines are taken into account:

  • Perform eccentric muscular work. “In any muscle injury, eccentric strengthening work is important, which improves flexibility and contraction capacity,” says Albaladejo.
  • Pay attention to muscle rebalancing. Dr. Sarwar comments that it is common to find athletes with the quadriceps and little hamstring, and vice versa. “This ratio is very important to have balanced,” physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka warns.
  • Do a good job of dynamic stretching in the warm-up phase. This will serve to increase your body temperature and your muscles’ range of motion. Recent studies seem to indicate that stretching prior to exertion weakens the muscles and exposes them more to injury, as we explain in this article. For this reason, stretching should be accompanied by a movement that warms up the muscles.
  • Good hydration and a good diet. Low hydration hinders the transport of minerals, through which the brain sends electrical impulses that muscle cells transform into movement. Dehydration can cause muscle spasms, and these lead to the dreaded cramps or elongation of the fibers.
  • Avoid overtraining. Especially if you are returning to sports activity after a long period. Overtraining is reflected in muscle pain because the muscles need rest to recover and regenerate. Contractures, pulls or cramps can be related to excess. It can also cause muscle tears or tendinopathies.

What to do when you have a pulled muscle

Despite the apparent lightness of the muscle strain, it is advisable to stop practicing sports for a few days.

The treatment can be carried out in two phases:

  • The first two or three days it is convenient to control the inflammation by applying ice, in several daily sessions of twenty to thirty minutes. “Studies agree that in the first three days what you have to do is rest, ice, elevation and compression,” says the physiotherapist in Delhi. In this way, the bleeding of the possible microtear is limited, which will reduce the scar.
  • As soon as the pain allows it, generally after the third day, you can move on to an activation phase. The goal is “to activate the circulation, begin to vascularize and work on strengthening with a smooth and controlled progression,” says Dr Sarwar. Isometric contraction can also be worked on. That is, the contraction of the muscle without altering its length.

“Properly diagnosed, it should not take more than ten days to return to normal activity,” concludes the physiotherapist in Dwarka.


How to treat carpal tunnel syndrome with Physiotherapy?

A tingling, numb sensation in the forearm and wrists. Very common in people who perform manual work using repetitive movements, carpal tunnel syndrome can also be related to hormonal changes. Therefore, it is perhaps more registered in women between 35 and 60 years old, says the best physiotherapist in Delhi.

But even before talking about the physiotherapeutic procedures to treat carpal tunnel syndrome, it is necessary to understand the concept of the term.

What is carpal tunnel syndrome?

Carpal tunnel syndrome or CTS is a very common neuropathy in the upper limb (wrists and hands). It consists of compression of the median nerve, which passes through the carpal tunnel. Inside the tunnel are the median nerve and the tendons of the finger flexors, from the forearm to the hand.

Any situation that increases pressure within the canal causes compression of the median nerve and, consequently, carpal tunnel syndrome. Among the main symptoms are the sensation of tingling and numbness (paresthesia) and in the most severe cases, difficulty in daily activities such as holding a glass, nailing a button, threading a needle or even getting dressed.

Electrothermy Phototherapy

One option is electrothermy phototherapy – a set of electrical stimulation techniques used to relieve pain, in addition to controlling inflammation and acting on tissue healing. These include ultrasound, short waves, laser and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). Each of these techniques works differently.

Ultrasound: in Physiotherapy in Dwarka, it is used to produce a movement in longitudinal waves in the form of mechanical vibration, increasing metabolism and blood flow. The technique nourishes and regenerates tissues, contributing to the decompression of nerve endings and pain reduction.

Short waves: high-frequency electrical waves that generate heat. Used therapeutically, they warm the tissues, increasing blood flow and reducing pain and inflammation.

Laser: phototherapy resource that generates analgesia and anti-inflammatory effect, stimulating cells and modulating connective tissue in the regeneration and healing processes. It is commonly applied to injuries to tendons, muscles and ligaments, as well as helping to heal open wounds.

TENS: acronym for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, it is used for the relief of pain in acute or chronic processes, low back pain, neuralgia, pain related to arthritis, etc. An electrical device controls the intensity of the stimuli to be applied. Meanwhile, small electrodes attached to the skin make the current reach the muscles.

Physiotherapeutic Treatment

Among the lines of treatment for the problem are the surgical procedure, the clinical (medication) and the Physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka. Today, we will address the latter.

Initially, a physiotherapeutic evaluation by the Physiotherapist in Dwarka will make it possible to outline the goals to be achieved during the treatment and a specific conduct according to the type and severity of the injury.

Manual Techniques

The use of manual physical therapy techniques has physiological effects on pain, with relief of symptoms, reduction of edema in the chronic and acute phases and greater mobility of contracting tissues.

Osteopathy – physiotherapeutic treatment that aims to correct dysfunctions and recover from musculoskeletal injuries and organic changes, and can act in the treatment, minimizing discomfort and pain.

Osteopathic maneuvers are performed on tissues and involve joints, muscles, fascia, ligaments, capsules, viscera, nervous, vascular and lymphatic tissue.

Neural mobilization is a manual therapy technique directed at neural tissue. The purpose is to restore the movement and elasticity of this tissue, in addition to promoting the return to its normal functions. It acts on the nerve root and path, improving neural physiology. The result is reduced pain. Generally, its use is associated with other physical therapy techniques.


A group of physiotherapeutic techniques and procedures in which low temperatures are applied to the affected site. Known as ‘cold therapy’, it is based on applications of ice. It has an analgesic effect, provides a reduction in neural transmission, in addition to reducing muscle spasm and consequently pain. Therefore, several physiotherapeutic procedures can be used by the Physiotherapist in Delhi for the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome – some associated, others not. If the symptoms are not normalized, other therapeutic modalities such as the placement of orthoses to immobilize the wrist and the use of anti-inflammatory drugs may be effective. As a last resort, surgery is indicated.

7 posture care to end back pain

Do you suffer from constant back pain? Some care can be taken in everyday life to relieve the annoyance and avoid future problems. Check out!

It’s hard to go a day without complaining about back pain, right? Nowadays, men, women and children end up, due to routine, being exposed to a series of situations that are not suitable for the human body.

Jobs that require a lot of time sitting or standing, uncomfortable chairs and shoes and a host of problems that can have future effects. But, reducing the annoyance is not that difficult, see? Keeping an eye on your posture is one of the best ways to end daily pain.

Below, check out some essential care to take care of this sensitive part of our body.

1. Keep your spine straight

The first, and, perhaps, the most important posture care you must have to end the pain, is to keep the spine straight. Not doing so, especially in the long term, can harm your health and quality of life, causing discomfort in the lumbar and cervical region, as well as increasing the risk of injury.

The ideal is to leave the legs a little apart, without crossing them and with the feet well supported on the floor. The back must be straight, but without losing the normal curvatures of the spine: the natural lordosis must persist and, when viewed from the side, it must have a smooth “S” shape. The shoulders should be slightly back, with the arms hanging along the body, or, depending on the activity being performed, the forearms should be supported on the table or desk.

Also try not to lower your head to read or write and, if necessary, lift the screen with the help of a support.

2. Strengthen the muscles of the region

If you don’t go to a gym or do some type of strength training, it’s time to invest in a nice change in habits. Physiotherapist in Delhi is increasingly convinced that this is the most suitable type of exercise, at any age, to maintain health.

In large part, this is due to the maintenance or increase of lean muscle mass, which is a noble tissue and has a protective function in the human body. Even when we have a strong abdomen and lower back, we are better able to avoid the wrong postures of everyday life and to position ourselves correctly while sitting.

3. Get ready at bedtime

Even if you don’t suffer much from back pain, it is very likely that, sometimes, you have already woken up with some discomfort in the region or with the famous torticollis. This is because you may have spent hours with improper placement, forcing some structures.

The best way to sleep on your side is with a pillow between your legs. The mattress must also have a good density and don’t forget to buy only products from brands recognized by the best physiotherapist in Delhi. Another option for a change is to sleep on your back, with a pillow positioned below your knees.

4. Avoid heavy bags and backpacks

It’s not news to anyone that excess load is one of the great enemies of a healthy spine, right? Therefore, one of the posture cares that you must have to end the pain is not to carry heavy bags and backpacks.

When you go to work or to your place of study, be sure to take only the essentials among the materials, separating only what you need to use according to the activities of that day. If heavy weight is unavoidable, opt for a model that has a center handle and wheels.

5. Carry out specific activities

There are some specific activities, in addition to weight training and weight training, that can go a long way toward helping you maintain more balanced health and slow aging.

A good physiotherapist in Dwarka, for example, can make the tension and pain in the lower back decrease considerably. Another excellent alternative for those with back problems is to bet on Pilates classes. These options bring more body awareness, flexibility and relaxation. However, a medical evaluation is always recommended before beginning any exercise.

6. Bet on constant stretching

There are a few types of stretches you can do without leaving your home or even sitting at your own desk. Often, a simple calf stretch, an arm roll, or even a short walk down the aisle will bring tremendous relief to your body.

7. Consider a rest period

Finally, another posture care that you must have to end the pain is to simply accept that it is not iron and provide yourself with a period of rest. The best thing about it all is that, currently, you can find spaces designed for this, with physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka who can contribute to your well-being.

It is possible, for example, to go on a detox program, book a massage or simply take a break from the routine and enjoy a healthy and balanced diet. You can stay at such an establishment, learning how to lead a healthier and more fruitful life to increase longevity.

By following these posture care, you can minimize your discomfort and improve your quality of life, even without having to make major changes to your routine.

Sexuality And Chronic Pain: How Can Physiotherapy Help You?

low back pain

Sexuality is a subject that is sometimes taboo and that it is often difficult to approach it as well with those around you as with a sexologist in Delhi. However, this act occupies an important place in couple relationships and is an integral part of the daily life of many individuals.

Although often associated with pleasure, sexual relations must also be perceived as a physical activity since they require certain physical capacities to be carried out. This is why, when a person suffers from chronic pain, it can be difficult to continue practicing normal sexual activity.

Physiotherapist in Dwarka frequently works with people with chronic pain to help them better manage their pain. In this article, he discusses the impact that chronic pain can have on sexuality and the role that physiotherapy in Dwarka can play in such circumstances.

What is chronic pain?

Pain that persists beyond the normal healing time of more than three months is generally categorized as chronic pain. Several types of chronic pain exist and certain types are more frequently observed than others (e.g. chronic lumbar pain).

Several causes, often unidentified, can be the cause of the problem. In some cases, a physiological component (eg sensitization of the central nervous system, the excitability of the nerves, etc.) plays a role in the pain felt. This is why, even when an injury is considered healed, the brain can continue to send a pain signal to the body of varying intensity, causing chronic pain.

The impact of chronic pain on sex

As we know, sexual activity, like physical activity in general, requires a minimum of effort. If you suffer from chronic pain, this effort can cause or increase the pain and create discomfort during sexual activity. There are various factors related to the pain that can have an impact on sexuality:

  • Changing physical abilities: Chronic pain can affect your physical abilities, even at the sexual level, in two different ways. The bad feeling can limit certain movements or even lead you to inactivity. This can affect your joints (which become stiffer) and your muscles (which become weaker). Your physical capacities will be reduced and your movements will be more painful. In the end, you may abstain from having sex to avoid getting hurt.
  • Fear of being in pain: The pain experienced during physical exertion, such as during sex, can cause you to be afraid of moving, which will ultimately make you less sexually active.
  • Decreased energy and fatigue: Whether it is out of fear or simply because of the pain felt, being less active or even inactivity, leads to deconditioning (reduction in physical capacity). This deconditioning can lead to fatigue and thus decrease energy during sexual activity and even extinguish your libido.

If you suffer from chronic pain, the ailment can take up all the space in your life, causing tension in your relationship and can even lead to isolation.

You may then end up in one or other of these situations and enter what is called a deconditioning loop.

Sexuality and chronic pain: how can physiotherapy help me find satisfactory sexual activity?

The physiotherapist in Janakpuri can help you find or maintain regular and pleasant sexual activity despite the pain. By addressing the problem with him, he will be able to help you identify the source of your problem (physical aspect) and then offer you personalized solutions.

Are my problems due to pain?

By helping you to better understand your pain (eg: Is it increased during physical activity? If yes, by which movements, which positions, etc.? Is it the fear of injury that prevents activity? ), the physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka will guide you towards various solutions:

  • Better plan your sexual activity: Choose the right time according to your pain onset cycle (morning, evening, etc.). This tip will help you better plan and maintain your strength for this day.
  • Control your pain: Find ways to relieve your pain by physically preparing for the activity (e.g., applying ice or heat, adjusting room temperature, massage, breathing, etc.).
  • Respect the limits of your pain: Recognize your limits and find balance, because a slight increase in pain is not necessarily a sign of injury. This awareness will help you reduce the fear of injury.
  • Favor comfort positions: Favor sexual positions that suit you. Use accessories that will help you feel good (e.g. pillows, towels, etc.). At this stage, it is also important to express your needs to your partner so that he understands your situation and can adapt to it.

Are my problems due to mobility?

After assessing whether your general mobility is reduced or whether it is a localized decrease, the best physiotherapist in Dwarka will recommend various mobility and flexibility activities. Here is an example of an exercise program for lumbar mobility and an exercise program for lumbar flexibility. These exercises will facilitate the mobility necessary for your sexual activities.

Are my problems due to lack of strength?

Depending on the assessment of your current condition, the physiotherapist in Uttam Nagar will suggest a specific training program to increase your muscle strength. Here is a lumbar strengthening and stabilization exercise program that will help you in the practice of your sexual activities. For example, in the case of lower back pain, it will work to strengthen:

  • The transverse abdomen: This deep abdominal muscle helps stabilize your lumbar region (lower back). It helps reduce your pain and helps prevent new episodes of low back pain.
  • The pelvic floor: This stabilizing muscle in the pelvis (often weakened following childbirth) contributes to better lumbar stabilization and therefore better control of your pain.

Are my problems due to my physical condition?

The physiotherapist in Dwarka can also help you improve your physical condition (cardiac, pulmonary and respiratory capacity) which will have an impact on your endurance during sexual activity. He will gradually offer you different endurance activities specific to your level of conditioning (ex .: walking for some, aquafitness or cycling for others).

In closing, according to Dr. Sarwar, “the hardest part is often to take the first step and talk to your healthcare professional about it.” Once this step is successful, you will have solutions adapted to your situation that will allow you to live better with pain and manage it better.

This will allow you to resume your sexual activities and continue practicing physical activities despite the pain. Your quality of life, as well as that of your partner, will be greatly improved.

How to take advantage of your Physiotherapy Treatment


Going to the consultation of your physiotherapist in Delhi implies an investment of time and money that should be profitable as much as possible.

If you want to take advantage and get the best out of your treatment session with your physiotherapist do not forget and put into practice the following tips:

  1. Go to your physical therapist as early as possible. An injury or pain in the beginning is much easier to recover. It is common to go to the physiotherapist in Dwarka when we are already desperate and other remedies or treatments have not worked for us. The injuries, while waiting, are chronicled. That is not your case.
  2. The first consultation is very important. Your physical therapist needs to know your pain, when it occurred and the circumstances, the medication or the remedies you use, and, if you have consulted with other specialists, how your treatments have gone. Answer all your questions honestly.
  3. Your physiotherapist will try to find a physiotherapeutic diagnosis that explains the reason for your pain. That diagnosis will help you to schedule your treatment. At this time, it is important that you solve with your physiotherapist in Janakpuri all your doubts and, by consensus, set with him or her some objectives and other important issues such as the frequency and duration of the sessions and their economic cost.
  4. Trust your physiotherapist. If you have decided to put yourself in his hands, do not require him to treat you with this or that technique, to put bandages on you, to prick you, to massage you with such cream…… because you have seen it on the internet or because your friend was fine like that Each person is special and different, and if Physiotherapy is distinguished by something, it is by trying to perform the most personalized treatments possible.
  5. Do not hurry to your Physiotherapy session. The timing of your treatment is important, perhaps it is the best thing you can do for yourself throughout the day. Dedicate the attention and peace you deserve. Agree with your physiotherapist the schedule that best suits you and look for professionals who respect your schedule and your time, which do not make you wait unnecessarily. A formal relationship between physiotherapist and client is a good atmosphere for the treatment to give the best results.
  6. Follow the instructions of your physiotherapist. You must get involved in your treatment. Follow your indications of rest, exercise, diet, put or not heat at home, perform relaxation, change some habits, follow your postural hygiene advice…. Your physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka will advise you the best for you and that your recovery is the most Fast and satisfactory possible.
  7. Give yourself the opportunity for the treatment to take effect. There are no miracles, but work well done and honesty, both by the professional and the client. Sometimes one session is enough, and others are needed more. Stay tuned for things that feel good and those that harm you and inform your physiotherapist of all this.
  8. Maintain a fluid communication with your physiotherapist, he is a Health Professional and is interested in everything that affects you. Do not be afraid to tell your worries. Many problems are psychosomatic. You will not be the first to let off steam with your physiotherapist, and, if you need help, your physiotherapist can advise you and refer you to other professionals who continue to help you.

Dr Sarwar Physiotherapy Center, a center of specialties in Physiotherapy in Dwarka in which experience, quality, technique and technology come together to cure and recover, without medication, a multitude of ailments, both acute and chronic.

All our treatments are based on the meticulous exploration of the patient, elaboration of physiotherapy diagnosis and application of the different treatment techniques according to a clinical reasoning absolutely individualized to your person, to your problem, to your injury.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is compression or irritation of the nerve that passes through the carpal tunnel. It generally results from a repetitive movement of the wrist resulting in friction. The problem usually occurs in the transverse ligament which, for one reason or another, will tighten on the nerve located in the carpal tunnel, thus reducing space.

According to this article by physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka, tunnel syndrome affects between 1 and 3% of the population. The syndrome is more observed in people performing repetitive work with the hands, such as regular use of a computer mouse or performing repetitive movement.

Risk factors and symptoms

The main cause of carpal tunnel syndrome is the repetitive movement that causes friction.

In addition, there are also predisposing factors such as:

  • neck problems: if it gets stuck in the neck, the carpal tunnel nerve leaves less play in the wrist which will cause stress which can lead to the syndrome;
  • general health problems: for example, rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes are two diseases that can cause some damage to the nerves, including that of the carpal tunnel;
  • pregnancy: can cause edema causing swelling and compression in the nerve which causes more friction;
  • wrist injuries (old or recent): in particular a wrist fracture modifying the dynamics of the bones, thus tightening directly or indirectly the space at the level of the carpal tunnel.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is generally characterized by the numbness of the hand it generates. A person with this condition will usually have the following fingers numb: the thumb, index, middle and half of the ring finger.

The other related symptoms are:

  • pain (often at night, even waking the person up)
  • weakness or decrease in grip strength (when the index and middle fingers become weaker, the syndrome is often considered to be fairly advanced).

Treatment and prevention

It is recommended to consult a physiotherapist in Dwarka in case of pain or the appearance of other symptoms related to the carpal tunnel. This will assess the source of the symptom, for example by examining your neck and wrist movements or by performing specific tests such as the Phalens maneuver (examination performing maximum flexion of the wrist for a time ranging from 30 seconds to one minute). He will then tell you which treatment to favor.

For mild and moderate cases

  • wearing a wrist brace is often recommended. However, the choice of orthosis is important. It is preferable to favor an orthosis specially designed for the carpal tunnel which will be completely straight. The right orthosis causes less pressure than the inclined model. Ideally, the right orthosis should be worn at rest, since at work it can limit movements due to its neutral position;
  • ultrasound;
  • mobilization of the carpal bones to increase space and reduce pressure on the nerve;
  • specific neural mobility exercises to improve nerve mobility.

In more advanced cases

  • surgery can be considered: if the nerve is damaged, in case of loss of strength or if the basic treatment does not work, surgery is a solution. It is a rather simple operation during which the surgeon makes a small cut about 2 cm wide at the transverse ligament in order to relax it, reduce compression and friction of the nerve;
  • exercises to strengthen the gripping movement: following surgery, the physiotherapist in Janakpuri works to restore the muscular strength necessary for the wrist through specific exercises.

Carpal tunnel syndrome: some prevention tips to remember

Here are a few things to consider:

  • Take frequent small breaks (about 30 seconds to 1 minute) when your work requires repetitive wrist movement (for example: someone who is entering data all day).
  • Vary tasks as much as possible to minimize repetition.
  • Optimizing your workstation to make it more ergonomic.
  • Have good posture at work and everyday.
  • Consult the best physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka at the onset of the first symptoms to identify the source of the disease and thus treat it before the situation gets worse.
  • Keep in mind the factors predisposing to carpal tunnel syndrome and be extra vigilant if you know you are at risk.

Understand the benefits of physical therapy for your health

Contrary to popular belief, the benefits of physiotherapy in Dwarka are visible not only in treating injuries and illnesses. It is possible to perceive the positive impact on the whole body, on daily actions and on their physical and spiritual behavior.

It is important to mention that physical therapy should not only be used in cases of recovery but should be part of your health care routine. With that in mind, we decided to create this post so that you understand everything about this treatment, especially its main benefits. Come on?

After all, what is physical therapy?

We can say that physical therapy is a study that is directly related to the diagnosis, recovery, and prevention of movement disorders that occur in the systems of the human body, be they body or physical.

There are several possible techniques. Among them, it is essential to quote:

  • RPG: Global Postural Reeducation;
  • Kinesiotherapy;
  • Electrothermophototherapy;
  • Mechanotherapy;
  • Crocheting;
  • Myofascial release.


What are the advantages of treatment?

There are several reasons why you should look for a clinic that has a specialized physiotherapist in Dwarka. This is because the benefits and advantages of treatment are mega-variable, especially when the process is introduced into your routine. Some of them are:

Posture Improvement

We know that with the daily rush, it is common not to worry about posture, is not it? However, having a body symmetry is critical to prevent lower back pain, discomfort in the central spine and more serious problems in the future, such as cervical lordosis.

Thus, introducing physiotherapy in your routine is a way to reestablish your posture, improve postural habits and, consequently, your quality of life.

Decreased pain

You may have already felt some uncomfortable pain in your body, right? This is because it is common to have injuries.

These problems occur for various reasons, whether due to physical activity or sports (also called sports injury) or because of some physical exertion (such as weight-bearing), bad postural habit, constant use of technological means (which may cause bad posture) or any incident such as a bruise. Injuries like these are known as derivatives.

Against this, a physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka is highly qualified to perform this physical and functional rehabilitation, significantly reducing pain, even muscle.

Preventing Possible Injury

When the treatment of a particular injury is over, it is essential to continue with a careful follow-up and process, preferably with top physiotherapy in Dwarka itself. This is important so that the problem does not recur, let alone become worse, longer and more painful in the future.

Preventing other possible injuries also happens because, with the process, your body and muscles will strengthen and remain more balanced, having less impact when there is a situation that could cause a physical problem.

Treatment and prevention of chronic diseases

Physical therapy has a great functional aspect. In the cardiopulmonary area, with specific and technical exercises and health maintenance, it is possible to treat and prevent risk factors and chronic diseases, such as obesity, pneumonia, hypertension, diabetes and even cancer.

This is because, with treatment, it is possible to have a positive impact on the body and mind of patients.

Aid for proper physical training

If you are looking to practice a balanced exercise, it is interesting that you seek a physiotherapist in Janakpuri. In this way, it will be possible to perform a correct, sensible and appropriate practice of the activities, without exaggerating any muscles. This will prevent damage that could be irreversible throughout your life.

Remember that exercise is superb for both physical and emotional health. However, its practice should be supervised, moderate and stable.

Insomnia Control

Insomnia, characterized by difficulty in falling asleep, can be caused by several reasons, including bruxism, breathing problems, poor body symmetry and also restless leg syndrome.

Nowadays, there are physical therapy processes capable of treating these problems and ensuring the quality of sleep as they are able to act on the whole body, mind, and body.

Improvement of respiratory diseases

With the help of respiratory physiotherapy in Janakpuri, which optimizes oxygen transport, some breathing problems may improve or be treated. These include asthma and bronchitis.

Aid in reducing urinary problems

Today urinary problems, such as incontinence, attack women and men at various times. However, treatment may be much simpler than imagined, specifically if done through urogynecological physiotherapy. This type of physical therapy is responsible for treating various types of perineal disorders.

Strengthening Self-Esteem

A person who introduces physical therapy into their routine has better health, disposition, flexibility, coordination, and balance. All this generates higher self-esteem, because of the quality of life increases, and a lot! In addition, the feeling of feeling happier, jovial, safe and less stressed is noticeable, as the body, as well as the mind, tends to be strengthened.

It is also worth mentioning that the whole process is a great ally for the health of anyone: men, women, children, elderly, pregnant women, people with disabilities, people who have suffered trauma, whether emotional or physical, with breathing disorders, cardiac and neurological and injured patients.

That’s it, now that you know the incredible advantages and benefits of physiotherapy, look for a specialized spot and include this treatment in your routine! Do not forget that it should not only be used when you notice an injury but throughout your life, after all, you will have much more quality in your days.

It is worth mentioning that this change of habit is indicated especially for people who seek to live healthier, more calm and calm and who want to take care of the body, organism, and mind.

What is Low Back Pain: Types And Treatment

In this article we will try to explain low back pain and role of physiotherapy in Dwarka, pathology that is extraordinarily frequent in the society in which we live and we will try to give the guidelines in the prevention and treatment of this problem.


First of all, its definition, pain located in the lower part of the back, referred or not to the buttocks or the posterior proximal part of the thighs, and without exceeding in the vast majority of cases the knees. It affects 60% -80% of individuals at some time in their lives, with a peak incidence in 45 years. It is one of the most frequent causes of pathology that cause low back pain.

Types of low back pain

Acute back pain, lumbago, without irradiation, (or simple lumbalgia)

It is defined by physiotherapist in Dwarka as that back pain of sudden onset referred to the lower back. The pain may be of mechanical characteristics, that is, improve with rest and worsen with movement, or not be modified by effort (not mechanical), pointing to a cause outside the spine. It is very frequent due to the lack of good postural habits in daily life and at work.

It almost always starts abruptly when making an effort to lift a weight or making a false move. This produces a blockage in the lumbar spine, with pain and attitude or important antalgic posture. It will be acute in pain processes less than 12 weeks. According to the best physiotherapist in Dwarka, it is less than 15 days long. Being subacute for 15 to 30 days.

Chronic low back pain or recurrent acute low back pain

It causes a pain that can be continuous, intermittent or accentuated in certain positions (sitting, standing, lying down, in anterior flexion, etc.), lasting more than 30 days. Sometimes it manifests as diffuse and vague pain located in the lumbosacral region. It usually gets worse at night and even causes fatigue, or in the morning when getting up. There is no blockage as such, so the person who suffers can walk and move with some freedom, and are actually prolonged static postures that become intolerable. In many occasions the cause of this type of lumbago is an imbalance of forces in the spine in general, which can be caused in turn by overweight and poor posture, explains physiotherapist in Janakpuri.

They are low lumbar pains, diffuse and often unilateral, that radiate towards the buttocks, which increase with effort and fatigue and decrease with rest

Psychosomatic or emotional low back pain

It is one that occurs without apparent cause and does not follow any kind of logical pattern, so that the person who suffers does not know how to clearly explain the place of pain or the situations in which it appears or disappears. Anxiety, anger and sadness are the emotions that most often cause lumbago of emotional origin. Although most low back pain have associated emotional factors.


This disc pathology can be caused by a herniated disc or a simple disc protrusion. This problem is usually located between L4 – L5 and L5 – S1.

It is important to know what are the risk factors in order to avoid them. According to top physiotherapist in Dwarka the most frequent we have: sedentary lifestyle, overweight, lack of abdominal tonicity, smoking, people who lift weight, drivers, constipation, depression, anxiety, contained negative emotions, painful rules, vitamin B and vitamin B deficiencies. omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, bad gesture when running, technical deficit, among others.

Treatment of low back pain

We will now explain the treatment that will depend on the cause that produces it, but in general it will be symptomatic. The most indicated is to prevent them and once a cause has been ruled out, we will help to alleviate the pain with the following methods of physiotherapy in Dwarka:

  • Electrotherapy: physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka can apply both the microwave and the infrared. Both with the main goal of soothing and reducing pain. In the case of the microwave, we will work at the joint level. And with the infrared, at the level of the musculature.
  • Lumbar tractions: to release nerve roots and as a consequence get an increase in joint travel.

Exercises of flexibilization of the column; Best physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka explain some examples:

  • Isometric abdominal and paravertebral: We perform a deep inspiration through the nose. Then we exhale slowly through the mouth, so that we press the lumbar area against the stretcher or floor (BREATHING DIAPHRAGMATIC). Keep the contraction 5-7 seconds and inspire to relax the posture.
  • Abdominals: In this exercise, we will place our hands on the back of the neck, placing one hand on top of the other. The cervical spine will be raised as a board.
  • Loin of cat: Starting in quadruped (supported on the hands and knees and with the column in a straight position) to catch the air round the back pulling the column up. We return to the starting position and perform the exercise in reverse, that is, we will sink the back trying to bring the column down. We have to draw with the column a convexity and then a concavity.

Another modality of this exercise is starting in quadrupeds, we will take air and stretch the left leg and the right arm keeping them up. When releasing the air, we will rest, and we will do it again with the opposite arm and leg.

  • Mahoetana position: We stand on all fours, with our arms extended in front of our head. The exercise will consist in that we will take air by the nose and when releasing it, we will try to go growing by extending our fingers of the hand forward. Taking care not to drop the weight of our body towards the arms.
  • Masotherapy: to relax the lumbar and gluteal muscles.
  • Postural hygiene: With the aim of correcting the vicious posture. It refers to the correct use of the body at all times. In fact, the muscles, joints, bones and ligaments must not strain for the body to function in a healthy way.

When the body position is correct, the internal organs have enough room to function normally and the blood circulates more freely.

Learning to live with good posture will make our muscles protect and support the back in intense efforts.

Finally, it is important to remember how important it is for the treatment of low back pain, prevention, and for this each person must acquire good postural habits to carry out the activities of daily life, without damaging the back, in addition to fleeing sedentary lifestyle. With all this, we will get a muscle free of muscle tension.

How the Use of Tablets and Mobiles Influences the Cervical Spine

In less than a decade the technology has advanced so fast in terms of lighter and more portable electronic devices with the creation of tablets or Smartphones, to be connected to the network at any time of the day, whether at home, office, during a walk, etc. But it has also had a direct impact on our health, specifically in our cervical spine, producing pain at the level of the neck, due to the postures we adapt while handling these devices. Such has been the increase of the pain that has been described by physiotherapist in Dwarka as Text Neck Syndrome.

Neck pain has increased exponentially according to the best physiotherapist in Dwarka at least 42% of minors and almost 50% of adults use this device regularly during the day in unhealthy positions. body, producing changes in the natural anatomy of the body. But what is the real reason for this?

The anatomy of the cervical spine.

Constituted by 7 vertebrae, between each of 6 intervertebral discs and no less than 30 muscles by their sides, back (nape) and anterior (area of ​​the throat), support and discharge directly and correctly the weight of the head.

The vertebrae joined together, have a natural curvature called lordosis, which relates harmoniously all the muscles of the area. In this way the head is aligned in its natural state and with less use of energy that produces wear to the body. This correct posture can be easily observed if we have the ear lobe aligned with the shoulder.

Due to the effect of gravity, the head goes forward, but the muscles of the back of the neck are constantly in action “pulling” back to the same and avoid changing the natural anatomy of the neck itself, thus maintaining a healthy balance

The movements that we can make thanks to these muscles are the rotation and inclination towards the right and left, flexion and extension of the neck.

Can the use of the tablet cause pain in the neck?

An investigation carried out in India where top physiotherapist in Dwarka reveal that due to the habitual postures that we adapt at the moment of using these devices cause a greater tension of the neck when it is lying down or It is placed on the lap, which can eventually cause discomfort or pain along the neck. Each year the acquisition of the mobile and its presence in the homes of India increases, with 42% of the minors being those who remain using the devices with more time and adults with ages between 35 and 49 years at least one they use it once a day.

text neck

What is cervical disc herniation and what are its causes and symptoms?

Discal protrusions or fiscal hernias at the cervical level or in the cervical vertebrae is a problem of increasing relevance due to the frequency with which it occurs in modern society, due in part to life stress, and partly to the adoption of bad postures of work origin, as well as the use of tablets and mobiles. It produces a variety of symptoms: such as radiculopathy or radiculalgia or cervicobrachialgia with loss of strength in the arm and hand and loss of sensitivity, warns physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka.

What is cervical pain and what are its causes and symptoms?

The term cervicalgia refers to a set of symptoms and affections that have in common are the pain of the cervical area of ​​the back.

While we use a mobile we change slowly with our postures the natural shape of the neck, flattens its lordotic curvature, especially when sitting and lowering the head to see better. Producing what is called “neck protrusion” or head forward.

The protrusion of the head happens when the ear lobe is much anterior to the position of the shoulders, not being correctly aligned with the rest of the body, and may produce future negative effects such as:

  • Pain at the level of the neck, due to the use of the posterior musculature.
  • Muscle contractures in the lateral or posterior area of ​​the neck.
  • Appearance of herniated discs by pressure of the vertebral discs.
  • Each centimeter that we advance the head can increase 5 g the weight that support our vertebrae, reaching a dangerous number of 13 Kg.
  • The advanced head can, over the years, produce osteoarthrosis or osteoarthritis.

We are all prone to suffer from these bad positions, but we must pay attention to children and young people, because every year they increase the use of these devices at an early age and we do not pay attention to their positions, suggests physiotherapist in Janakpuri.

Recommendations to avoid pain in the neck while using the tablet.

  • Use these devices as much as possible, at the level of our eyes to avoid lowering the head and keep the neck straight and straight.
  • Use a base on the table that can raise the view a little more and avoid loading the device with the arms.
  • We must avoid long journeys using these devices, every 15 or 20 minutes take a break, to stop, walk, and thus promote a change of position.
  • Maintain a regular physical activity to promote proper circulation and blood supply to our muscles.
  • Create a schedule of use for the little ones in the house, since from an early age they can develop pains characteristic of adulthood.
  • Correct the bad postures we observe in the minors when using the tablet, muscle shortening can be established from the early years of childhood and adolescence.
  • Avoid using these screens before sleep, directly affects sleep cycles causing greater difficulty in sleeping and increase the chances of suffering from diabetes, obesity, depression or heart problems.
  • In the same way avoid using the tablet as soon as your eyes open early in the morning, as it produces fatigue and visual stress.
  • Every year the number of people sensitive to electromagnetic waves generated by electronic devices increases, therefore it is better to turn them off at night.

Neck pain every year has a high percentage of prevalence as one of the factors that produce discomfort on people at least once a day. Ignoring the discomfort from the first moment can lead to wear and produce pathologies so diverse that increase the chances of performing a surgical procedure over the years. Therefore, it is very important that you take these recommendations with caution for you and your loved ones, so that in a simple way you can keep your neck healthy and begin to change your bad postural habits.

Contact us today to know how to avoid discomfort of neck by physiotherapy in Dwarka.